Prof. Roberto Lamberts
Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Prof. Roberto Lamberts is a full professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He leads the Energy Efficiency Laboratory in Buildings (LABEEE), whose aims are Energy Efficiency, thermal performance of buildings, bioclimatology, and thermal comfort.
Prof. Lamberts has delivered around 300 publications, including several books on building performance and energy efficiency. Sustainable Construction, Building Materials, and Operations Management are also among his key expertise. Prof. Lamberts is leading several research projects, such as Review of the Brazilian residential building performance standard (NBR 15575) – Thermal performance chapters, Brazilian Thermal Comfort Database, and Liquid Windows for hot climate regions.
He is the associate editor of two journals, Energy and Buildings, and Science and Technology for the Built Environment. He was a board member of several institutes including the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction (CBCS), the scientific associations ANTAC, Built Environment Technology Association, IBPSA (an international association for building performance simulation).
Prof. Lamberts graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1980), then he obtained a master degree in Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1983), and eventually a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Leeds (1988). Currently, he is based in Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil.