Dr. Muhammad Nur Fajri Alfata
Researcher at Directorate of Engineering Affairs for Human Settlements and Housing, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, the Republic of Indonesia
Muhammad Nur Fajri Alfata is a researcher at the Directorate of Engineering Affairs for Human Settlements and Housing, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, the Republic of Indonesia. His main research interest is energy conservation in buildings, with the main focus on thermal comfort and passive cooling. Currently, he is working on smart buildings and the Internet of Things (IoT) for buildings.
While serving at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, he is involved in various research and development activities, including international collaborative research, one of which is as the project leader of the 2020-2025 SATREPS. Muhammad is a member of professional associations such as the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) Chapter Indonesia, the International Association of Building Physics (IABP), and the Indonesian Association of Built Environmental Researchers (IPLBI).
During his career as a researcher, his research results related to sustainable buildings have been published in various publications such as books, journals, and proceedings at national and international seminars. In addition, he is also active as a member of international networks such as LETCHI (Low Energy in Tropical Climates for Housing Innovation).
Muhammad Nur Fajri Alfata holds a PhD in Building and Urban Environment Science from Hiroshima University, Japan (2018). His master’s degree is in Housing and Built Environment from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (2010), and he graduated from Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta in 2005 with a B.Eng. majoring in energy conservation. Currently, he is based in Bandung, Indonesia.