Dr. Alyas Widita
Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Alyas Widita is a lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, where he builds on his expertise to deliver research-driven insights and educational programs in urban planning and design, transportation, and the built environment.
He has extensive experience in conducting policy-related research works, from an impact evaluation of new transit opening, the case of MRT Jakarta, to exploring the effects of emerging technologies on the urban landscape. As a practice- and policy-oriented researcher, he has consulted with the World Bank and contributed to the successful completion of multi-year research projects sponsored by the Georgia Department of Transportation (United States).
In academia, his 2019 publication on “big data in public transportation,” a 2020 article entitled “Shared-use mobility competition: a trip-level analysis of taxi, bike-share, and transit mode choice in Washington,” and recently published 2021 and 2022 studies on the behavioural effects of the MRT Jakarta and the impact of Superapps’ entry to the market on vehicle ownership, respectively, are notable. Most of Alyas’s publications concern transportation and the built environment in the contexts of Indonesia and the United States. While studying at the University of Iowa, Alyas was awarded the Fulbright award for participating in the Millennial Trains Project 2014, where he connected with local leaders and experts and conducted research in the contexts of US cities.
Alyas holds a B.Eng. in Architecture from Gadjah Mada University (2011) and an MS in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Iowa (2015). In 2020, he was awarded a PhD in City and Regional Planning from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Alyas divides his time between Yogyakarta and Jakarta, Indonesia.